
Neobo has held its Annual General Meeting

At the Annual General Meeting in Neobo Fastigheter AB (publ) today, 26 April 2023, the shareholders made, among other things, the below resolutions. The Annual General Meeting was held by physical presence of shareholders and with the option for shareholders to exercise their voting rights by advance voting (postal voting).

The Annual General Meeting resolved that no dividends shall be distributed for the financial year 2022 and that the company’s results are brought forward.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Jan-Erik Höjvall, Mona Finnström, Ulf Nilsson, Eva Swartz Grimaldi and Peter Wågström as board members and to re-elect Jan-Erik Höjvall as chairman of the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting also resolved that the fees to the Board of Directors shall amount to maximum SEK 1,730,000.

The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Ernst & Young as auditor for the company. The authorised public accountant Gabriella Novella will be the auditor in charge.

Further, the Annual General Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to resolve to issue new class shares to such an extent that it corresponds to a dilution which corresponds to a maximum of 10 percent, based on the number of shares that are outstanding at the time of the Annual General Meeting’s resolution on the authorisation, after full exercise of the authorisation.

The Annual General Meeting also resolved to introduce a new long-term incentive program, including resolution regarding issue and approval of transfer of warrants of series 2023/2026:1. The background and rationale for the proposal was that employees in the company and its subsidiaries shall be able to become long-term owners and participate in and work for a positive growth of value of the company’s share for the period that the program covers, and to ensure that the company and its subsidiaries can keep and recruit qualified and motivated personnel.

Additional information from the Annual General Meeting
Complete proposals regarding the resolutions by the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the above are available at Annual General Meeting 2023 – Neobo Fastigheter. A recording of the CEO’s speech is available at Annual General Meeting 2023 – Neobo Fastigheter on April, 27. Minutes from the Annual General Meeting will be made available at Annual General Meeting 2023 – Neobo Fastigheter no later than two weeks after the Annual General Meeting.